Rebecca Coles | Alpinism & Climbing

"I'm super excited about joining the Montane team. It's vital to me to have the right kit which can cope with the demands of my expeditions, where performance and reliability really does mean success or failure." - Rebecca
She travels the world mountaineering and has achieved numerous first ascents in very challenging environments – most notably Lasarmu La, a 6200m peak in the far west of Nepal, four first ascents in South Georgia, Antarctica, and two major first ascents in Wakhan Corridor, Afghanistan.
It is little wonder she has been named as one of the 50 most ground-breaking and influential female climbers the UK has ever produced.
Becky is predominantly focussed on exploring the more obscure parts of the world and is currently indulging a passion for Central Asia’s mountainous regions. Alongside this, she runs a blog, workshops, and seminars from her website to inspire people to travel independently and plan their own expeditions.