Polygiene prevents the growth of odour-causing bacteria at the source. To do this Polygiene uses low concentrations of silver salt (silver chloride), which has antimicrobial properties. The treatment is applied at the finishing stages of textile production and field and lab tests show a high level of odour control beyond the usual lifespan of a garment.
Sweat is a natural response to any physical activity. The cooling and heat dispersing actions of up to 2.6 million sweat glands in the average human body are essential to help us perform and keep us comfortable. Sweat is natural and odourless but mixed with textiles it creates a moist and warm environment which is ideal for odour-causing bacteria to multiply and grow. It is the bad odour released by the bacteria which leads to the reduced self-confidence in 90% of us and which causes 30% of us to discard clothes prematurely.

Washing and drying account for two thirds (2/3) of the environmental impact of a product. Polygiene treated textiles do not need to be washed as often, which saves water, energy, time and money as well as improve the lifespan of a product. With Polygiene you can wear more, wash less and be climate smart!
A garment treated with Polygiene Odor Control Technology will stay odour free and can, therefore, be used several times before washing. The fabric also lasts longer without excessive washing and bacterial growth, and the treated product is not discarded prematurely due to odour.
Products treated with POLYGIENE® permanent odour control, perfect for multi-day use.